Nuisance Program
The Highland County Health Department Nuisance Complaint Program investigates reported nuisances to public health within the boundaries of Highland County. Typical nuisances include trash dumps, failing sewage systems, mosquito breeding areas, and tire dumps.
Because Highland County does not have a county wide zoning or building code, the Health Department cannot inspect the safety, construction, or physical properties of structures in Highland County. Our jurisdiction effectively ends at the front door. Salem and Madison Townships do have specific zoning regulations, but these are not overseen by the Health Department.
In order to report a public health nuisance, the Health Department must receive a written complaint or a phone call from an elected official (township trustee, county commissioner, mayor, etc.). The health department will not investigate anonymous complaints.
Nuisance Complaint Form
Nuisance Complaint Form To download a copy: CLICK HERE
Utility, Sewage and Trash Assistance To download a copy: CLICK HERE
Mosquito Harborage Information: Mosquito-borne Diseases in Ohio | Ohio Department of Health
RPHF Solid Waste District: RPHF Solid Waste District | Home
Community Resources Directory To download a copy: CLICK HERE