Body Art Regulations in Highland County

Gloved hands of a tattoo artist working on a black and white tattoo close up.

The Highland County Health Department regulates all body art establishments, including tattoo and body piercing businesses, in Highland County. Any individual operating a body art parlor must receive approval and pass an inspection by the Health Department before opening.

To ensure public safety, body art establishments must comply with strict regulations, covering:

  • Handwashing procedures

  • Proper handling of needles

  • Accurate record-keeping

  • Age restrictions

  • Sterilization protocols

Additionally, no one may construct, install, modify, or extensively alter a body art establishment without submitting detailed plans and specifications to the local Board of Health for review and written approval.


  • Body Art: Physical body adornment, including tattooing, permanent cosmetics, and body piercing (excludes medical procedures like biopsies or scalpel use).

  • Body Art Establishment: Any location, permanent or temporary, where tattooing or body piercing occurs.

  • Permanent Cosmetics Examples: Microblading, Permanent Eyeliner, Tightline, and Lip Tinting.