Animal Bites & Vector-Borne Diseases
Animal Bites & Rabies Control
The Highland County Health Department Environmental Health Division is responsible for rabies control by investigating animal bite incidents involving warm-blooded animals in Highland County. This effort is coordinated with local health practitioners, veterinarians, and surrounding health departments to ensure public safety.
Rabies is a deadly viral disease that attacks the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves). Rabies can infect all mammals and is mostly seen in bats, skunks, raccoons, and other wild animals. However, dogs, cats, and even humans can also be infected.
Each year in Ohio, rabies is found in approximately 30 mostly wild animals. Rabies infects very few humans in the United States.
The rabies virus is found in the saliva and brain (neural tissue) of an infected animal. The most common way people are exposed to rabies is from an animal bite. Blood, urine, feces, and skunk spray do not contain rabies virus.
Rabies exposures:
Bite from a rabid animal.
Scratches, abrasions, open wounds, or mucous membranes contaminated with saliva or brain tissue from a rabid animal.
Rabies non-exposures:
Petting a rabid animal.
Being in the same room as a rabid animal (bats are an exception to this rule).
Coming in contact with blood, urine, feces, or skunk spray of a rabid animal.
It is unlikely that you or a pet would get rabies from a scratch.
If you are concerned about a wound from an animal and aren't sure if it's a bite or scratch, contact HCHD at (937)393-1941 and consult with your primary care physician.
You cannot tell if an animal has rabies just by looking at it. Brain tissue from an animal must be tested at the Ohio Department of Health Laboratory (see Diagnosis below) for a diagnosis.
Though you cannot tell just by appearance, an animal with rabies may exhibit strange or unnatural behavior due to the effects of the virus on the brain. Some signs may include:
A wild animal that seems unusually tame or isn't afraid to approach people.
An animal out during the day that is usually active only at night, such as a skunk, fox, or bat.
A pet that has trouble walking, eating, or drinking or has a change in personality or how it acts.
A normally calm animal that acts in an agitated or aggressive manner.
A bat that can't fly or has been caught by a dog or cat.
There is no ante-mortem (before death) test for animals. The animal must be euthanized (humane death) so that a sample of brain tissue can be collected for the test. Euthanasia and sample collection should only be performed by trained individuals.
For more information on submitting an animal specimen for rabies testing, please contact HCHD at (937)393-1941 for assistance.
The first symptoms usually begin four to eight weeks after exposure to the virus and include a tingling or itching feeling at the bite site and may mimic the flu. Symptoms get worse over the following days and often include trouble walking, speaking, or swallowing; confusion; distress; and loss of consciousness.
Once clinical signs of rabies appear, the disease is nearly always fatal, and treatment is typically supportive.
To date, less than 20 documented cases of human survival from clinical rabies have been reported.
An early diagnosis of rabies may be missed if an animal bite is not reported. If you have been bitten by an animal, report the incident to your healthcare provider and HCHD at (937)393-1941 as soon as possible.
Several tests are necessary to diagnose rabies ante-mortem (before death) in humans; no single test is sufficient. Your healthcare provider will also want to "rule out" other common diseases that may be a cause of your illness.
If rabies is highly suspected, your healthcare provider will collect the following samples:
Spinal fluid.
Skin biopsy or hair follicles at the nape of the neck.
These samples must be sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for testing.
If you were exposed to a rabid animal, a post-exposure prophylaxis regimen can be started. This will involve a series of shots including rabies immunoglobulin and rabies vaccines over the period of several days.
Treatment must be given soon after exposure to be effective, though may be delayed for a couple of days if testing of the animal is available.
Call HCHD at (937)393-1941 to identify locations that administer rabies post-exposure prophylaxis.
For additional information: Click Here!
Ticks, Mosquitoes, & Other Vectors
The Ohio Department of Health’s Zoonotic Disease Program works to prevent and control diseases spread from animals (including mosquitos and ticks) to people. The Ohio Department of Health, HCHD, and other agencies work together to:
Conduct disease surveillance of animals, including mosquitoes and ticks.
Investigate zoonotic diseases and conditions in people.
Provide consultations to animal and human health professionals.
Implement disease interventions and educational initiatives.
To Learn more visit: The Ohio Department of Health’s Zoonotic Disease Program