Private Water Systems
The Highland County Health Department manages private water systems, including potable wells, ponds, springs, cisterns, and hauled water storage tanks. These systems serve fewer than 25 people, for less than 60 days per year, and with fewer than 15 service connections, commonly used for homes, small businesses, churches, and small mobile home parks.
Inspections and services are conducted by Environmental Health Specialist , who stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and best practices.
Services include site selection, installation guidance, testing, and inspections.
Applications & Quick Links
Water Sampling
When: Mondays, 1:00PM–4:00 PM
Results Timeline: Typically 1 week (may vary by test)
Cost: Pricing varies depending on the type of test, the collector (Health Department vs. homeowner), and the status of the open or new private water system permit.
For a complete list of prices, please refer to the fee schedule above.
New Private Water System Permits:
The permit fee includes up to 3 Total Coliform bacterial water samples, which must be collected by the Health Department.
Existing Private Water Systems:
Homeowners of existing systems can also have their water sampled. Sampling can be done by the Health Department or the homeowner, in most cases. All samples must be prepaid prior to collection. If the homeowner is collecting the sample, they must come to the office to pay for the test, receive the collection instructions, and pick up the proper sampling bottle for the test.
Frequently Asked Questions
A registered contractor must submit the appropriate well information forms, and a safe water sample must be taken.
Only private water system contractors who are registered in the state of Ohio are authorized to install wells.
We do not provide specific recommendations, but you may refer to online listings or contact the Highland County Health Department, Environmental Health Division, for more information.
Please refer to our current fee schedule. Note that each type of test has its own fee.
Contact the Health Department or a registered private water contractor for evaluation and advice.
Response: While there is no official recommendation from the Health Department, many homeowners bleach their wells every six months. For instructions, click here: Well Chlorination Instructions.
Dug Wells: Typically older wells, hand-dug to about 20 feet. These wells are no longer constructed and often have contamination issues.
Spring Wells: These are older water sources where water naturally appears from the ground, collected and pumped to homes. They may also face contamination issues.
Drilled Wells: Modern wells that can vary from 25 feet to several hundred feet deep, depending on the location. These wells are sealed and designed to minimize contamination risks.
A well can last indefinitely, assuming the groundwater level does not drop below the bottom of the well shaft.
If you wish to put the well back into service, it should be evaluated and tested by the Health Department. Many older wells may need upgrades or additional equipment to provide safe water.
If you no longer wish to use the well, it must be properly abandoned. Contact the Health Department for more information on abandoning an old well.