Proudly Serving the Residents of Highland County, Ohio
The Highland County Health Department has been serving, educating, and protecting the residents of Highland County since 1920. We offer a variety of services and programs for residents, businesses, and communities.
Programs & Services
Vital Statistics
Birth and Death Certificates, Burial Permits, and Paternity Affidavits.
Environmental Health
Oversees licensing and inspections for food safety. Inspects public health nuisances, household sewage systems, private water systems, public swimming pools, campgrounds, manufactured home parks, and schools. Addresses issues related to animal, tick, mosquito, and other vector bites.
Public Health Nursing
Provide child and adult immunizations, blood pressure screenings, limited laboratory services, Tuberculosis (TB) testing. Responsible for communicable disease monitoring, Children with Medical Handicaps program, community outreach, referrals, and health education.
Commercial Plumbing
Issues plumbing permits, inspections and inspection results for businesses within the Health Jurisdiction.
Emergency Preparedness
Tools and resources to prepare, respond, and recover from public health emergencies. Southwest Ohio Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)